Happy Horse Yoke

The Happy Horse Yoke helps you and your horse connect in a way that is gentle and effective for a better relationship between equestrian and equine. The one-of-a-kind Happy Horse Yoke allows for smoother aids so both horse and rider can focus on the positioning and form that allows for the most effective riding.

Happiness is in Hand

Improve Performance

The Yoke encourages proper form and collection, empowering the hindquarters and allowing the horse to jump higher, turn faster, or slide farther, with better focus.

Smoother Communication

Improved communication and less frustration help a horse have more try and feel more success. A happier horse is a horse who works with his rider and listens better.

Develop Movement

Experience more power and enhanced quality of movement from your horse as he properly lifts his forehand and engages his hindquarters.

Who We Are

We’re passionate about forging strong relationships with the horses we work with. We’ve combined our love of horseback riding with our personal and professional strengths to create the Happy Horse Yoke.

Laughing Horse Innovations

  • (352) 949-0123
  • marcus.gruenthal@hotmail.com
  • 9295 NW Hwy 225A

Ocala, FL, 34482

Get in Touch

We enjoy talking about Happy Horse and creating the best possible environment for the horses we love. Please contact us with any questions you have.